Water Pollution
The demand for freshwater rises continuously as the world's population grows. From 1940 to 1990,withdrawal of fresh water from rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and other sources has increased fourfold.1 Of the water consumed each year, 69 percent is used for agriculture, 23 percent for industry, and 8 percent for domestic uses.
Sewage, industrial wastes, and agricultural chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides are the main causes of water pollution. In 1995,the US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA)2 reported that about 37 percent of the country's lakes and estuaries, and 36 percent of its rivers, are too polluted for basic uses such as fishing or swimming, during all or part of the year. In developing nations,over 95 percent of urban sewage is discharged untreated3 into rivers and bays,creating a major human health hazard.
Water runoff carries fertilizing chemicals such as phosphates and nitrates from agricultural fields and yards into lakes, streams, and rivers. These combine with the phosphates and nitrates from sewage to speed the growth of algae,a type of aquatic plant. The water body may then become choked with decaying algae,4 which severely depletes the oxygen supply. This process can cause the death of fish and other aquatic life. Runoff also carries toxic pesticides and urban and industrial wastes into lakes and streams.
Erosion, the wearing away of topsoil by wind and rain, also contributes to water pollution.5 Soil and silt washed from logged hillsides,plowed fields,or construction sites,can clog waterways and kill aquatic vegetation. Even small amounts of silt can eliminate desirable fish species.6 For example,when logging removes the protective plant cover from hillsides,rain may wash soil and silt into streams, covering the gravel beds that trout or salmon use for spawning.
The marine fisheries supported by ocean ecosystems are an essential source of protein,?
particularly for people in developing countries;approximately 950 million people worldwide consume fish as their primary source of protein. Yet pollution in coastal bays,' estuaries, and wetlands threatens fish stocks already depleted by overfishing. In 1989 , 260,000 barrels of oil was spilled from the oil tanker Exxon Valdez into Alaska's Prince William Sound, a pristine and rich fishing ground. In 1992 there were 8,790 reported spills in and around US waters,7 involving 5. 7 million liters (1.5 million gallons) of oil.
gravel /'graevol/ n.磘石
phosphate /'fosfeit/ n.磷酸盐
trout /traut/ n,鳟鱼
nitrate / 丨naitreit/ n.硝酸盐
salmon /丨saeman/ ti.大马哈鱼
alga /丨aelgs/ n.水藻(常用复数algae)
spawn /spoin/ vt.(鱼等)产卵
aquatic /s'kwaetik/ adj.水生的,水产的
marine /ms'riin/ adj,海的,海上的
deplete /di'pliit/ vt.耗尽,使空虚
ecosystem /'iiksu^istsm/ n.生态系统
toxic /'tDksik/ adj,有毒的,有毒性的
pristine /'pristain^tiin/ adj.未受破坏的
sewage /丨sjund3,丨su:-/ n.污水,污物 erosion /i'rQU39n/ n.腐蚀,侵蚀 fertilizer /'f3:tilaiz9(r) / n.肥料(特指化学
肥料) silt /silt/ n.淤泥
pesticide /'pestisaid/ n.杀虫齐U,农药 logged /lDgd/ adj.被砍伐的 estuary /'estjusn/ n.河口湾,三角湾,港湾 clog /klDg/ r阻塞,填满 bay /bei/ n.海港
vegetation / 丨ved3ifteij^n/ n.植被,植物 fertilize /'f3:tilaiz/ vt.使肥沃,施肥于 logging /'lDgirj/ n.伐木业 runoff /'rAnDf/ n.(地表)径流(量)
1. …….withdrawal of fresh water from rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and other sources has increased fourfold.……从江河、湖泊、水库和其他水源中减少的淡水量翻了四番。
2. the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):美国环境保护局
3. ... over 95 percent of urban sewage is discharged untreated...: 超过 95% 的城市污水未
经处理就被排放(进)……本句中untreated是过去分词作状语,其逻辑主语就是句子的主语 over 95 percent of urban sewage 0 、
4. The water body may then become choked with decaying algae. ?.:水域于是就有可倉旨被渐渐腐烂的水藻所充塞……这里,become是系动词,过去分词choked作表语。
5. Erosion, the wearing away of topsoil by wind and rain, also contributes to water pollution.侵 蚀,也就是风雨对土壤表层的冲刷,也会带来水污染。contribute to...:对……起作用。
6. Even small amounts of silt can eliminate desirable fish species.甚至少量的游泥也可使一些宝贵的鱼类灭种。
7. In 1992 there were 8,790 reported spills in and around US waters... : 1992 年报道过在美国的 水域内以及水域周边有8,790起石油泄漏事件……
1. According to this passage, which of the following statements is true of yearly water consumption?
A Most water is used for home cooking. B Most water is used for farming.
C Cities use more water than rural areas; D America uses 8 percent of the world water resources.
2. Paragraph 2 suggests all of the following EXCEPT that?
A fish may die because rivers may contain industrial wastes. B it may be dangerous to swim in a river because the water may contain pesticides. C EPA is responsible for causing serious water pollution in America. D water pollution is rather serious in America.
3. Water runoff causes fish to die partly because
A they are rushed into agricultural fields and yards. B they are choked by the water body.
C the poisonous algae have killed them.D the fast-growing algae have used up the oxygen in the water where they live.
4. An important idea of paragraph 4 is that
A cutting down too many trees may also cause water pollution. B water pollution is caused by wind and rain alone. C there are no longer desirable fish in the world. D trout and salmon usually spawn in silt.
5. The main subject of the last paragraph is
A Fish as a Source of Protein.
B The Increasing World Oil Production. C Oil Spills and Pollution of the Sea. D A World-famous Oil Tanker.
1. B答案^!根据为第一段的最后一句话:农业用水占了 69%。
2. C美国环境保护局报道了本国水污染的情况,但它本身并没有造成水污染。显而易见A 的说法是对的:河里的鱼儿可能死于水污染;B的说法也是对的:由于水污染,人们在水里游泳可能得病;D的说法同样成立,美国环境保护局提供的数据暗指问题严重。
3. D第三段说,当水域被渐渐腐烂的水藻所充塞时,氧气被耗尽,鱼儿因缺氧而死亡。C不是 正确的选项,因为文章并没有说腐烂的水藻有毒。
4. A第四段主要说明了一个道理:乱砍伐树木使土壤表层在风雨的作用下被侵蚀,造成淤泥 堵塞水道,水生植物不能存活,鱼儿不能正常产卵,这也是一种水污染。
5. C最后一段主要谈的是因石油泄漏造成的海洋水污染。
随着世界人口的增长,对淡水的需求持续增长。从1940年到1990年,从河流、湖泊、水库和其他水源中减少的淡水量翻了四番。在每年消耗的水中,69%用于农业,23%用于工业,8%用于家庭。 污水,工业废水和农业化学品,如肥料和农药,是水污染的重要原因。1995年,美国环境保护局宣布美国大约37%的湖泊和海湾,36%的河流污染严重,以至在一年或一年中的部分时间里不能用于如钓鱼、游泳等基本活动。在发展中国家,超过95%的城市污水未经处理就被排放进河流或海湾 中,造成了严重的人类健康危机。
流动的水把肥料化学品,如磷酸盐、硝酸盐等从农田带到湖泊、小溪和河水中。这些和污水中的 磷酸盐、硝酸盐结合在一起,加快了一种水生植物——水藻的生长。水体中于是可能充塞了严重消 耗氧气的渐渐腐烂的水藻。这个过程会导致鱼和其他水中生命的死亡。流水也把有毒的农药和城市工业废水带到湖泊和小溪中。 •
侵蚀,也就是风雨对土壤表层的冲刷,也会导致水污染。从被砍伐的山坡上、耕地上或工地上冲 刷下来的土壤和淤泥会堵塞水道'并杀死水生植物。甚至很少量的淤泥就会使宝贵的鱼种灭绝。例 如,当伐木破坏了山上的保护植被,雨水会把土壤和淤泥冲入溪流,覆盖住鳟鱼或大马哈鱼产卵所需 的砾石菏床。
由海洋生态系统供养的海鱼是重要的蛋白质来源,特别是对于发展中国家的人而言;全世界大 约有9. 5亿人把鱼作为他们最主要的蛋白质来源。而海湾、港口和湿地的污染使早已被过度捕捞而减少的鱼群遇到威胁。在1989年,26万桶油从艾克森•凡德兹油轮上泄漏到了阿拉斯加的威廉王子湾 个未被破坏的、富饶的捕鱼区。1992年报道过在美国的水域内以及水域周边有8,790起石油泄漏事件,共泄漏了 570万升(150万加仑)的石油。
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