短信预约 公共英语考试动态提醒 立即预约





环球网校·2019-04-29 09:40:08浏览31 收藏3
摘要 小编给大家带来2018年公共英语考试二级备考试题及答案(12),希望对大家有所帮助。

(5)The Northern Pike is a very bad fish.It is a big,hungry fish,and eats little fish.Many Northern Pike live in Lake Davis.Theyare killing all the smaller fish in the lake.TheNorthern Pike area serious danger to the lake because they eat all the smallerfish.Soon,all other kinds offish in the lake will be killed off.This is not healthyfor the environment(环境). Researchers are afraid that the Northern Pike,will swim out of LakeDavis through many smaller rivers that feed into the lake.They could spread all over the country and damage many other waterenvironments.If that happens,itwould be too late to stop the Northern Pike. For ten years.officials have been trying to remove theNorthern Pike from Lake Davis.They have tried usingnets and poisons(毒药).However,the Northern Pike population is still doing well in Lake Davis.Many people do not like the idea of using poison to kill the fish.They worry that the poisons are bad for humans who use the water.However,people haven’t found any poisons atall in local(当地的)wells. Scientists are going to try the poison again.This time,they will dry off the lake before puttingthepoison in.Apublic hearing will be held to talk about the problem.

(13)This text is most probably__________.

A. ashort story

B. anews report

C. flresearch paper

D. anofficial announcement

(14)What could happen if theNorthern Pike swim out of Lake Davis?

A. Theycould be out of control.

B. Thesmaller fish would be saved.

C. Theenvironment could be improved.

D. Manysmall rivers would be poisoned.

(15)What was the result ofusing poisons in Lake Davis?

A. Peoplestopped using the well water.

B. Thelake was seriously damaged.

C. Thepoisons worked as expected.

D. Therewere hardly any effects.

(16)A public hearing will beheld because __________.

A. localpeople object to the use of poisons

B. the NorthernPike have spread to other lakes

C. peopleare strongly against drying off the lake

D. theharm of the Northern Pike is seldom heard of

(13) :B白斑狗鱼是一种十分有害的鱼类。它体型很大,容易饥饿,以捕食其他小型鱼类为生。许多白斑狗鱼居住在戴维斯湖。它们捕杀那里的小型鱼类。白斑狗鱼对戴维斯湖造成了严重的威胁,因为它们捕食那里的所有小型鱼类。不久,湖中的所有其他鱼类都会被它们吃光。这对环境来说是不健康的。





(14) :A细节题。题干意为“如果白斑狗鱼游出戴维斯湖将会发生什么?”由文章第二段可知,如果白斑狗鱼游出戴维斯湖将会遍布全国,给更多的水域造成危害,到那时再阻止它们就来不及了。由此可知,如果任由它们游出戴维斯湖,则会失去对它们的控制。故A为正确答案。

(15) :D细节题。题干意为“在戴维斯湖使用毒药的结果是什么?”由文章第三段第二、三句“They havetried using Nets and poisons.However,the Northern Pike population is still doingwell in Lake Davis.”可知,毒药对白斑狗鱼没有产生任何效果。故I)为正确答案。

(16) :A推理题。题干意为“将要召开向公众开放的听证会是因为什么?”由文章第三段可知,人们反对用毒药毒杀白斑狗鱼,因为害怕人们使用的井水受到污染。而第四段第一句话指出科学家打算再次尝试用毒药消灭白斑狗鱼,由此可以推出,召开听证会的原因是当地居民反对使用毒药,为此要征求大家的意见。故A为正确答案。



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