短信预约 公共英语考试动态提醒 立即预约





环球网校·2019-04-30 10:14:35浏览40 收藏16
摘要 小编给大家带来2018年公共英语考试二级备考试题及答案(6),希望对大家有所帮助。

第一节 单项填空


(1)—I had a very good weekend at my uncle’s. —Oh,really? ______

A. That will d0.

B. Cheer up!

C. It’s a pleasure.

D. Glad to hear that.

(2)We can give you a lift to the post office.We are going that way______.

A. nearly

B. either

C. anyway

D. however

(3)Bob made a mistake but I don’t hold______against him—we all make mistakes.

A. one

B. it

C. this

D. that

(4)Put your seat belt on.The plane will be______in a few minutes.

A. taking off

B. taking away

C. taking up

D. taking down

(5)John thought l was blaming him,______in fact,1 was blaming myself.

A. as

B. whether

C. unless

D. while

(6)I'd like to fix______date for our next meeting,but selecting______suitable day is not easy.

A. the;the

B. a;a

C. /;a

D. the;/

(7)______a supporter of this basketball club for many years now.

A. will be

B. was

C. was being

D. have been

(8)It would seem to be a general truth______nothing is as straightforward as it at first seems.

A. that

B. when

C. because

D. if

(9)Just give me a______yes or no.I don’t need any explanations.

A. sharp

B. strict

C. straight

D. small

(10)The guards______to see her I.D.before they allowed her in the building.

A. demand

B. demanded

C. had demanded

D. will demand

(11)Both sides could make these talks succeed______seeking common ground.

A. with

B. at

C. for

D. by

(12)—I usually go to Cambridge by train. —Why not______by coach for a change?

A. trying to go

B. to try going

C. try going

D. to try to go

(13)I bought this computer two weeks ago,but it isn’t working as it______.

A. can

B. would

C. need

D. should

(14)Steven,______very popular with most members,was asked to be the chairman of the tennis club.

A. considered

B. considering

C. having considered

D. to be considered

(15)—Don’t push me too hard.I’ll do it as fast as I can. —okay,______.But we only have about half an hour.

A. mind your business

B. watch out

C. take your time

D. come on


(1) :D句意:——我在叔叔家度过了一个愉快的周末。——真的吗?听到你这么说我很高兴。本题考查的是情景英语中的对话,故答案选D。

(2) :C句意:你可以搭我们的车去邮局,反正我们都要经过那儿。根据句意,可以直接排除其他答案,either是“也”用于否定句中,故答案选C。

(3) :B句意:鲍勃犯了错误,但我不会因此而反对他——我们每个人都会犯错。本题中it代指上句中的“Bob made a mistake”。故选B。

(4) :A句意:系好你们的安全带,飞机将在几分钟内起飞。take off意为“(飞机)起飞”,take away意为“带走”,take up意为“占据”,take down意为“拿下,记下”。故选A。

(5) :D句意:John认为我在怪罪他,但其实我在责怪自己。本题的四个选项中,只有while 表示转折,故选D。

(6) :B句意:我想为咱们下次会议选个日期.但选个合适的Et子不太容易。题中所指的日期都是不确定的,非特指,故都用不定冠词a。故选8。

(7) :D句意:到现在,我已经赞助这家篮球俱乐部多年。本题中时间段是从过去到现在的时间,因而选择现在完成时。故选D。

(8) :A句意:“所有事情看起来似乎都不如初见时简单”似乎是一个普遍真理。本题中it为形式主语,that引导的从句为后置的主语从句。故选A。

(9) :C句意:只直接给我肯定或否定的回答,我不需要任何解释。straight表示“直接的”,sharp表示“尖锐的”,strict意为“严格的”,small意为“小的”。故选C。

(10) :B句意:在他们进楼之前,保安查看了他们的身份证。本题中用的是过去时态,检查身份证发生在进楼前,时间在过去的过去,而c为现在完成时,A为一般现在时,D为一般将来时,只有B为一般过去时。故选B。

(11) :D句意:双方可以通过寻求共识来促成谈话的成功。选项中by表示借助于某种手段。故选D。

(12) :C句意:——我经常坐火车去剑桥大学。——你为什么不换种方式,坐长途公车去呢?本题中“why not”相当于“why do not you”,因此其后用廿y的原形。故选c。

(13) :D句意:我两周前买了这台电脑,但它操作起来并不像它应该那样。后半句为省略句,完整的句子应是“but it isn’t working as it should work”。故选D。

(14) :A句意:大家认为史蒂文在员工中很受欢迎,因而被推选为网球俱乐部的主席。本题中consider和主语是被动关系,因而用动词的被动形式,D选项为动词不定式的被动形式。故选A。

(15) :C句意:——不要催我催得这么紧。我会尽快做的。——好,不着急。但是我们只有半个钟头的时间。本题考查的是情境交际,根据上下文语境,应该选择C:不着急,慢慢来。其余几项均无此意,故选C。



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