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环球网校·2021-10-21 10:22:09浏览14 收藏2
摘要 为了帮助考生备考翻译资格考试,环球网校小编尾大家提供了“2021年翻译资格考试三级口译测试题(13)”,希望可以帮助各位考生,详情如下:

环球网校提供 免费预约短信提醒服务,届时会及时通知您2021年下半年翻译资格考试准考证打印时间、考试时间等重要信息!编辑推荐:2021年翻译资格考试三级口译测试题汇总

Lebanon is days away from a “social explosion”, said the country’s caretaker prime minister, Hassan Diab.

黎巴嫩看守总理哈桑·迪亚布(Hassan Diab)表示,黎巴嫩距“社会爆炸”仅剩几天时间。

Mr Diab appealed for help with a long-running economic crisis that has seen the value of the currency plummet and left much of the population short of food, fuel and medicine.


The state legislature in Texas prepared to meet in a special session. Republicans are trying to pass a bill on election procedures that critics say is intended to curb voting by blacks and Hispanics. The Republicans have the wind in their sails. The federal Supreme Court, in a 6-3 decision, recently limited the scope for challenging state voting laws on racial grounds.


Eric Adams was deemed to have won the Democratic primary for mayor of New York, maintaining a lead over his rivals in a ranked-choice tally. Mr Adams, a black former police captain, ran on a law-and-order ticket; he soaked up votes in Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens and north Manhattan.

埃里克·亚当斯(Eric Adams)被认为赢得了纽约市长的民主党初选,在排名选择票数中保持着领先于对手的优势。亚当斯是一名黑人前警察队长,以“维护法律秩序”的口号参选;他获得了布鲁克林、布朗克斯、皇后区和曼哈顿北部的选票。

Less than a week after it opened the resort island of Phuket to fully jabbed international visitors, Thailand recorded its first case of covid-19 in a tourist. Thailand hopes its “sandbox” model, where visitors can avoid quarantine if they stay in Phuket for 14 days, will allow it to reopen more parts of its tourism-dependent economy.


Indonesia’s COVID-19 outbreak worsened as daily cases doubled from a fortnight ago. Hospitals are approaching capacity and some have reported running out of oxygen.


Britain’s prime minister, Boris Johnson, confirmed that COVID-19 restrictions would end in England on July 19th. The vaccination campaign has gone well, and although cases are surging and hospital admissions rising sharply, the number of deaths remains low. Social distancing will end, as will the mandatory use of face masks, a controversial topic in Britain. The chief medical officer, when asked, named three situations where he would still wear a mask.

英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊证实,英国将于7月19日结束对新冠疫情的限制措施。疫苗接种运动进展顺利,尽管感染病例激增,住院人数急剧上升,不过死亡病例仍然保持低位。社交距离限制将结束,口罩令也将取缔,这在英国是一个颇具争议的话题。首 席医务官受访时列举了他仍然会戴口罩的三种情况。

Coronavirus briefs


Luxembourg’s prime minister, Xavier Bettel, was in a serious but stable condition in hospital after contracting COVID-19.

卢森堡首相贝泰尔(Xavier Bettel)在感染新冠肺炎后入院治疗,病情虽严重但总体状况稳定。

In a reciprocal deal Israel said it would send 700,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine that are about to expire to South Korea, where infections are rising. South Korea will return the same number of freshly produced jabs to Israel in September and October.


Sydney’s two-week lockdown was extended for another week. Australia’s vaccine programme is not going well.


A study found that men in England have been 30% more likely than women to test positive for COVID-19 recently. It blamed football fans cramming into pubs to watch the Euro tournament. England beat Denmark 2-1 to reach its first international final since the World Cup in 1966, which, as one or two locals recall, England won.





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