短信预约 翻译资格(英语)考试动态提醒 立即预约





网络·2022-11-28 14:05:50浏览203 收藏20
摘要 2022年下半年的CATTI考试已经告一段落,接下来就等着出成绩啦!但错过了没参加考试的人员就可以着手开始准备2023年上半年的考试了。为了帮助大家备考,环球网校小编分享了“2023年翻译资格考试英语二级笔译综合能力模拟试题”,希望有助于大家。


想及时2023年上半年的报考时间,可点击使用环球网校 免费预约短信提醒,及时获得报考时间提醒。

1. He had studied hard, he would have been able to pass the exam.

A. He had studied harder

B. If only he studied more

C. Had he studied harder

D. When he studied more

2. It was now clear that no such weapons were manufactured and none been found.

A. was found

B. were founded

C. has been found

D. have been founded

3. Whenever we hear of a natural disaster, we feel sympathetic to the people to be affected.

A. to have affected

B. to have effected

C. who have been effected

D. who have been affected

4. Our programs come second to theirs.

A. come second after

B. are second only to

C. are first except for

D. are first place from

5. Our holiday is doomed to failure without you.

A. would doom

B. would have been doomed

C. had been doomed

D. has had to be doomed

6. I'm rather concerned how he will take in his school.

A. take on

B. take up

C. take off

D. take to

7. You've been so helpful! How can I make up to you?

A. make it up to you

B. make you up

C. make up it for you

D. make up you

8. I don't doubt how the plan will be well received.

A. that

B. which

C. if

D. whether


1.【答案】C. 本题考查虚拟语气的用法。如果虚拟从句中含有助动词、情态动词、动词be或have,则可把if省略,把上类动词提到主语之前,使用倒装语序。

2.【答案】A. 本题考查句子时态和词义辨析。由于“and”连接的两部分属并列关系,所以,句子前后时态应一致,应为一般过去时。又因为find“发现”的过去式是found,founded是found“建立”的过去式。

3.【答案】D. 本题考查句子时态和词义辨析。本句话意为“每当听说自然灾害时,我们都会对那些遭受影响的人表示同情。”动词不定式常表将要发生的动作,与句意不符,故排除:affect“影响,感染”,effect“产生,达到(目的等)”,根据句意可知,affect“影响”符合题意。

4.【答案】B. 本题考查对固定搭配的掌握。Come second to意为“位居第二”ABCD四个选项中只有second only to“仅次于”和题中画线词组意思相近。

5. 【答案】B. 本题考查虚拟语气的用法。此句是“without”引导的含蓄条件虚拟句。有你是既定事实,此句是对在没有你的情况下进行的虚拟,是对过去的虚拟,故主句用“would have+过去分词”的结构。

6.【答案】D. 本题考查对固定搭配的掌握和词义辨析。本句意为“我十分关心他将如何(短时间内)喜欢上他的的学校”take in“接受”;take on“从事,呈现”;take up“从事,占据”:take off“起飞,放开”;take to(短时间内)喜欢上”。

7.【答案】A. 本题考查习惯搭配。本句句意为“你太乐于助人了。我要怎么报答你呢?”make it up to sb意为“补偿、报答某人”;make sb up意为“为某人化妆”。当宾语为代词时,宾语应放在make和up中间,故排除C、D两项。

8.【答案】A. 本题考查固定用法。当动词doubt后接宾语从句时,若主句为肯定句,从句引导词用whether或if连接均可;若主句为疑问句或否定句时,宾语从句引导词必须用that。

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