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环球网校·2021-10-22 09:29:41浏览43 收藏4
摘要 为了帮助考生备考翻译资格考试,环球网校小编尾大家提供了“2021年翻译资格考试三级口译测试题(14)”,希望可以帮助各位考生,详情如下:

环球网校提供 免费预约短信提醒服务,届时会及时通知您2021年下半年翻译资格考试准考证打印时间、考试时间等重要信息!编辑推荐:2021年翻译资格考试三级口译测试题汇总

An experiment in low-carbon living


A butterfly-shaped island in the central Aegean hopes to become Greece's first carbon-free tourist destination. Under a deal with the government, Volkswagen, a carmaker, has donated several new electric vehicles for use by Astypalea's public services; it will sell others at cost price to its 1,200 year-round residents. In return, the government has bumped up subsidies for islanders to buy electric cars and will build a hybrid solar and wind-fuelled power plant to replace a cluster of polluting diesel-fired generators.


Unlike other nearby islands, Astypalea is not connected to Greece's electricity grid. With only 3,000 rooms for visitors in small hotels or flats, tourism is still low-key. Many residents make a living the old-fashioned way: raising goats, keeping bees and fishing. The island was selected for Volkswagen's e-mobility experiment after Nikos Komineas, the go-ahead mayor, contacted the transport ministry for help in finding an electric bus to try out on its rugged roads.

阿斯特帕利亚与附近的其他岛屿不同,那里没有连接希腊的电网,且只有3000个小酒店或公寓房间供游客住宿,旅游业仍很低调。许多居民仍以传统方式谋生:喂养山羊、养蜂和捕鱼。继Nikos Komineas之后,大众选择了该岛作为电动汽车的试验点,这位“行动积极”的市长联系了交通运输部,希望能找到一辆电动巴士以便在崎岖的道路上试用。

Most islanders sound keen on the project. Mr Komineas expects the number of private cars on Astypalea to fall by a third overthe next five years. Its residents, he says, will get around on escooters and electric minibuses, which will be free, linked to a mobile-phone app and available round the clock.


Some observers detect a whiff of greenwashing. A tender for a solar park that would generate half the island's electricity within three years will not get under way before the tourist season ends. A single wind turbine will be installed only in 2026, assuming the licensing process goes smoothly. That is not normally the case in the Aegean, where islanders worry that tourists will go elsewhere if the view is spoiled by a turbine 200 metres high. And even then, the hybrid power unit is planned to cover only about 80% of summer demand. But it is a start.





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