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1. 要以史为鉴,摒弃冷战思维,拒绝零和博弈,共同维护地区和世界和平稳定。
The BRICS nations should draw lesson from history, abandon the Cold War
mentality and zero-sum game, to jointly safeguard world and regional peace and
2. 越是在困难的时候,越要坚定信心。应该看到,任何进步都不是直线的,有曲折也有反复。
The more difficulties we face, the more confidence we must have. We should
be aware that any progress is not made along a straight line, but with twists
and turns.
3. 丛林法则不是人类共存之道,强权独霸不是人类和平和发展之策。
The Law of the Jungle and hegemonic policies will not benefit coexistence,
peace and development for all mankind.
4.This will be my first trip to Pakistan, but I feel as if I am going to
visit the home of my own brother.
5. 友谊建立在尊重、信任、包容基础上,国家交往亦是如此。当前,全面深化中德关系,缺的不是利益契合和共同目标,而是勇气、胸襟、视野。
Friendship is based on mutual respect, trust and accommodation, so are
state-to-state relations. What is lacking in deepening China-Germany relations
in all areas is not converging interests or common goals, but courage,
broad-mindedness and vision.
6. 拿破仑说过,中国是一头沉睡的狮子,当这头睡狮醒来时,世界都会为之发抖。中国这头狮子已经醒了,但这是一只和平的、可亲的、文明的狮子。
Napoleon Bonaparte once said that China "is a sleeping lion," and "when
China wakes up, the world will shake." In fact, the lion of China has awoken,
but what the world sees now, is a peaceful, amiable, civilized lion.
7. 文明交流互鉴不应该以独尊某一种文明或者贬损某一种文明为前提。中国人在2000多年前就认识到了“物之不齐,物之情也”的道理。
Exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations must not be built on the
exclusive praise or belittling of one particular civilization. As early as over
2,000 years ago, the Chinese people came to recognize that "it is only natural
for things to be different".