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环球网校·2022-01-05 15:19:10浏览53 收藏15
摘要 准备报考2022年翻译资格考试的考生注意了,为了帮助考生更好的备考,环球网校小编提供了“2022年上半年CATTI二级笔译备考试题(三)”,希望可以帮助到大家!

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It gives me great pleasure to attend the fifth G20 summit in Seoul and discuss with you the important subject of promoting economic recovery and world development. Let me begin by extending sincere thanks to President Lee Myung-bak and the ROK government for the active preparations and thoughtful arrangements they have made for the meeting. I would also like to take this opportunity to warmly congratulate all countries on their wonderful exhibition at Expo 2010 Shanghai China.


Thanks to the concerted efforts of the G20 and the entire international community, the world economy is slowly recovering. However, total demand remains insufficient in the absence of new sources of growth. Countries differ in policy objectives, making macroeconomic policy coordination even more difficult and global recovery even more fragile and uneven. Major advanced economies are plagued by sluggish recovery, high unemployment and greater fiscal and debt risks. Emerging economies are confronted with the pressure of massive capital inflow, lagging domestic demand and rising inflation risks. International financial markets suffer from persistent volatility, the exchange rates of major currencies fluctuate drastically, commodity prices hover at high levels, and protectionism is notably on the rise. All this shows that the deep-seated impact of the international financial crisis is still reverberating. Global development issues are more pronounced. We must adopt an attitude responsible to history and the future, bear in mind the common interests of mankind, build on what we have already achieved and continue to work in concert for strong, sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy.


To this end, I wish to make the following proposals:


First, improve the Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth and promote cooperative development. Strong, sustainable and balanced economic growth is of great significance to the whole world. As the world economy is at a critical juncture of stabilizing and recovering, achieving strong growth is our primary task. A year ago, we decided at the Pittsburgh Summit to launch the Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth. This Framework is an important platform for major advanced and emerging market economies to strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination. The G20 is now transforming from an effective mechanism in tackling the financial crisis to the premier forum for international economic cooperation. We should stick to the country-led principle, take into full account the different national circumstances and development stages of various members, and appreciate and respect each country's independent choice of development path and policies. The assessment criteria should be further improved. Since strong growth, sustainable growth and balanced growth are equally important, we must give them equal attention and push forward growth in a comprehensive way in the formulation and implementation of assessment criteria. We need to improve the Framework so that the Framework can shift its focus from emergency response to long-term governance and contribute to more effective medium- to long-term global policy coordination. We should strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, energetically advance international cooperation in new industries and science and technology, employ every means to create jobs, and support developing countries in adopting measures to adjust economic structure, expand domestic demand and increase exports. We should encourage various economies to draw on each other's strengths for mutually beneficial growth. As long as we remain committed to the spirit of mutually beneficial partnership for development, the goal of strong, sustainable and balanced global economic growth will be achieved.





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