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Work Together at the Crucial Moment to Open up a New Chapter


Remarks Made by Ambassador Ma Xinmin at the Farewell Party for the Delegation of Young Diplomats from Sudan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Receive Studies and Training in China考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。


29 July 2019




Your Excellency Mr. Suliman, Head of the Department of Training and Capacity Building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sudan,

Your Excellency Mr. Omar, Head of the Department of China Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sudan,

and dear young friends from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sudan,


Good evening! We are gathered here tonight to give a send-off to the colleagues from Sudan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs who will head to China for studies and training. First of all, on behalf of all functionaries of the Chinese Embassy in Sudan, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you here and wish you a comfortable and pleasant trip in Beijing. I am confident that everyone will set out cheerfully and come back with fruitful results.


Your visit is of great significance as it comes at an unusual moment.


Your visit comes in a crucial period when our world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. The rise of a group of developing countries represented by China has effectively pushed forward the development of the global power structure toward equilibrium and multipolarity. However, unilateralism, trade protectionism and bullying behaviors are currently on the rise, in particular the trade war unilaterally triggered by the US side to contain China’s rise and development, which violates the international rules, disrupting the international trade order and exerting a drag on global economic growth. China does not want a trade war, but is not afraid of one and will fight one if necessary. The essence of China-US economic and trade cooperation is mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. The Chinese government insists that dialogue on an equal footing is the only way to solve problems.


Facing the profound changes, China will remain committed to multilateralism and international equity and justice, firmly uphold the international system centered around the United Nations, maintain the international order based on international laws, and safeguard the multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core. China stands ready to work together with a vast number of developing countries, including Sudan, to safeguard common interests and development space and open a new chapter for unity, cooperation and mutual benefit in building a community with shared future for mankind.


Your visit comes at this vital moment when Sudan is undergoing profound changes unseen in three decades. Sudan’s role as China’s major strategic partner in West Asia and Africa and also one of key countries along the route of Belt and Road Initiative will remain unchanged, no matter how the situation may change. The longstanding traditional friendship between the two peoples and the solid and in-depth cooperation between our two countries will continue. China and Sudan are always good friends that stand by each other regardless of hardships, close partners that share joys and sorrows, and also good brothers that are reliable and sincere to each other.


Under the new situation, China hopes the strategic partnership between China and Sudan may secure a smooth transition and advance to a higher level. Both sides should promote closer exchanges at all levels, stronger political mutual trust, wider mutually-beneficial and pragmatic cooperation, and deeper people-to-people exchanges to realize the shared interests and opportunities in our cooperation and exchanges and enable the China-Sudan relations to bring more benefits to our two countries and the two peoples.


Your visit comes in an important year marking the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Sudan. China is willing to align the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eight Major Initiatives proposed at the FOCAC Beijing Summit with national development strategies of Sudan, and is committed to enhancing experience sharing on state governance, pushing for more achievements through our practical cooperation and ensuring our cooperation is sustainable and of high quality, in hopes to assist Sudan in pursuing independent development and achieve win-win results. I am convinced that all of you will make your contributions to China-Sudan friendship in the next six decades, as all of you are parties participating in, practicing and safeguarding the amicable partnership between our two nations.


Your visit comes this year marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. I am sure that you will see with your own eyes the significant achievements the new China has made in the past seven decades after its founding, learn about the experience in state governance gained by the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government, experience the diversity of Chinese culture, and feel the hospitality and kindness of Chinese people. I am confident your visit will be fruitful and successful.


In conclusion, I wish all of you a pleasant evening!


Thank you!




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