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【英译】The Master (Confucius) said, "Is it not pleasant to acquire knowledge and be able to constantly apply it? Is not delightful to receive friends coming from afar, a man who feels no resentment at being cold-shouldered by others, is he not a gentleman [man of perfect virtual]?"
【英译】The Master said,"The book of songs contains three hundred poems, but they can all be summed up in one phrase: 'Have no crooked thoughts'."
【英译】The Master said, "At the age of fifteen I devoted my mind to learning. At thirty I stood firm. At forty I was free from doubt. At fifty I knew the decrees of Heaven. At sixty my ear was attuned to the truth. At seventy I could follow what my heart desired without transgressing what was right."
【英译】The Master said, "If a man preserves his old knowledge while constantly acquiring new, he can become a teacher of others."
【英译】The Master said,"Learning without thought is futile; thought without learning is dangerous."
6.子曰:“君子怀德,小人怀土;君子怀刑,小人怀惠。”【白话文】孔子说:“君子怀念道德,小人怀念乡土;君子怀念法度,小人怀念恩惠。”【英译】The Master said, "While the gentleman cherishes virtue, the petty man cherishes his native soil; while the gentleman cherishes penalties, the pretty man cherishes exemptions."
【英译】The Master said, "The gentleman fixes his attention on righteousness, the petty man fixes his on gain."
【英译】The Master said, "When you meet a worthy man, think how you may equal him in virtue. When you meet a worthless man, examine yourself to find out if you have the same defects."
【英译】The Master said, "While one's parents live, one should not stray far from them. If it is necessary to do so, one must be sure to inform them of where one is going."
10. 子曰:“朽木不可雕也,粪土之墙不可杇也;于予与何诛?”【白话文】孔子气愤地说:“腐朽的木头不能雕刻,粪土似的墙不能粉刷;对于宰予,我还能怎么责备呢?”
【英译】The Master said, "You cannot carve on a block of rotten wood, and you cannot whitewash a dung-splattered wall. Oh, this Zai Yu! What is the use of reproaching him? "