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环球网校·2020-12-19 07:30:01浏览40 收藏12
摘要 环球网校(环球青藤旗下品牌)小编发布“2021年翻译专业资格考试备考:《道德经》重点例句英译精编”。备考20201年翻译资格考试的考生须如有需要可以及时把本文内容记在了笔记本上,一起加油吧!《道德经》重点例句英译精编详细内容如下:


翻译资格考试每年举行两次,上下半年各一次,其中上半年考试时间一般在6月,下半年考试时间一般在11月,具体笔译或口译考试安排时间以及报名时间,请各位考生关注官网后续发布的通知。也可以通过填写环球网校 免费预约短信提醒服务获取2021年翻译资格报名时间及考试时间通知。


1.《道德经》共八十一章,包括《道经》三十七章,《德经》四十四章,是春秋时期老子所作, 所以也称作《老子》。Tao Te Ching consists of eighty-one chapters-thirty-seven chapters of the Classic of the Dao, and forty-four of the Classic of the De. It was written by Laozi of the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476), and so it is also called The Laozi.

2.“道”是老子哲学的最重要的概念,是其基础理论。老子认为,“道”是天地万物的本源,虽然是抽象的,但却是真实的存在。“Dao”-the Way-is the most important concept in Laozi's philosophy. It is his basic theory. Laozi regarded the Way as the wellspring of everything in the universe, which, despite being abstract, was nevertheless a definite existence.

3.老子生活在春秋末期,社会已经无法回到“小国寡民”的状态,当时的社会也比较混乱,弱肉强食的现象经常发生。Society in the closing years of the Spring and Autumn Period, when Laozi lived, had no way of returning to the situation of “small states with scanty populations.” In those days society was in turmoil, with frequent outbreaks of the strong “gobbling up” the weak.


【英译】The way that can be explained is not the Unchanging Way. The name that can be named is not the Unchanging Name. The Void is the name of the beginning of the universe. Existence is the name of the mother of all things. Therefore, it is in the constant Void that we must look for the wonders of the universe, for in the constant Existence we can find only its limits. Both these aspects are different but can be called Profound. But they are more Profound than the Profound. And therein lies the Gateway to All Marvels.


【英译】It is because beauty exists that everyone knows what ugliness is. It is because kindness exists that everyone knows what unkindness is. Existence and the void spring forth together. The difficult and the easy complement each other. The long and the short shape each other. The high and the low fulfill each other. Sounds and the reception of them together produce harmony. Before and after accompany each other.




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