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环球网校·2020-04-07 09:18:28浏览30 收藏15
摘要 小编给大家带来2020年翻译资格考试初级口译习题五,希望对大家有所帮助。加入环球网校有专业的老师为您解答问题,还可以和考友一起交流!

Africa has also made gains in consolidating democracy. The United Nations will continue to support the African people's efforts to realize their right to choose their own leaders and ensure that elections are a routeto peace, not violence.


I am marking Africa Day this year with a visit to the continent aimed at mobilizing globalsupport for reducing child and maternal mortality rates. Progress in this area has been slower than it is on all the other Millennium Development Goals, despite proven policies, practices and technologies. Our new Global Strategy for Women's and Children's Health aims to save millions of lives by bringing together all relevant partners and scaling up what works, including many home-grown African strategies for success.


The theme of this year's observance – “Accelerating Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Development” – highlights one of Africa's greatest untapped resources: its young people. Africa is the world's youngest continent; 70 per cent of the population is under the age of 30. Despite advances in education and economic growth, progress remains fragile, inequalities arewidespread and young Africans face major difficulties in finding decent jobs and participating in decision-making. In North Africa earlier this year, the lack of such freedoms was among the factors that led young people to take to the streets demanding change and fulfillment of their legitimate aspirations for better lives. Empowering youth is essential for sustainable economic growth and sustainable management of the earth's ecosystems and resources; the clearchallenge for many countries now is to pay just as much attention to sustainable political progress.

今年纪念活动的主题是 “加速赋予青年权能,促进可持续发展”,这个主题强调的是非洲最大的未发掘资源之一:非洲青年。非洲是世界最年轻的大陆,30岁以下居民占其人口的70%。虽然在教育和经济增长方面取得了进步,但进步仍然很脆弱,不平等现象很普遍,非洲青年很难找到体面的工作,很难参与决策。今年早些时候,除其他因素外,缺乏这些自由也是导致北非青年走上街头、要求改革和实现改善生活合理愿望的因素。赋予青年权能对于促进可持续经济增长和促进以可持续方式管理地球生态系统和资源至关重要;对于许多国家而言,现在的明确挑战是,必须同样重视可持续政治进步。

As Africans strive to overcome threats to peace and development, the continent will continue to need strong and dedicated support from all its partners. On Africa Day, let us reaffirm ourcommitment to work in partnership with Africans of all ages to realize their potential by building an environment conducive to prosperity, democracy and peace.





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